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Super-Earths that could be home to alien life discovered nearby, scientists say
System orbits around Gliese 887, the brightest red dwarf in our sky
Scientists see light emerging from a black hole merger for the first ever time
Scientists think they have seen light coming out of a black hole merger for the first time.
Contact tracing app: False rumours claim Apple and Google have automatically installed coronavirus app
Apple and Google updated their operating systems with framework for government apps, not an app itself
Sony starts PlayStation bug bounty programme with $50,000 reward
Nearly $180,000 has been paid to bounty hunters so far
Virgin internet running again after Wifi goes down for hours, company says
Virgin Media’s network connection has now been fixed for users across the country.
Wirecard files for insolvency a week after €1.9bn went missing
Payments firm Wirecard has filed for insolvency proceedings – a week after disclosing that €1.9bn (£1.7bn) had gone missing.
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