The Trump administration has said it is looking into the app due to national security concerns
The Independent Articles
iOS 14: Apple opens public beta for new iPhone software, allowing anyone to download it now
Users cautioned that early software could include significant bugs – but latest update appears to be mostly stable
Samsung 2021 smartphones may come without chargers
Apple is reportedly considering a similar decision
Garmin reveals new smartwatches that charge from the Sun as it says solar power is the future
Line-up now includes the first of company’s smartwatches that can run on solar power forever
GoPro webcam feature lets people bypass their poor computer cameras for video chats
GoPro is rolling out new software to allow people to use their action cameras as webcams.
Scientists create noise-cancelling windows that eliminate sounds from outside
System borrows technology found in high-end headphones
'Planet 9': Harvard scientists launch plan to find 'primordial black hole' at edge of solar system
Harvard scientists have proposed a plan to find out the nature of a hypothesised object at the edge of our solar system.
Phones could stop working for 'days' if rapid Huawei ban goes ahead, networks warn
Removing equipment would also cost the companies billions of pounds
Neuralink: Elon Musk to reveal more details about brain-computer startup
‘You want to speak a different language? No problem, just download the program’
Facial recognition company that scrapes social media sites to be investigated by UK and Australia
Clearview AI is also being investigated by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada