Google Maps now colour-codes your city so you can avoid high coronavirus areas

Sep 24, 2020

Google has added a new “COVID-19 info” filter to its Maps service that colour-codes areas to show the spread of the virus.

Users get a seven-day average of the number of new cases per 100,000 people in the area that they are looking at.

They also get a label that shows whether the number of cases is increasing or decreasing.

Google has rolled out this update for all countries and terroritories where Google Maps is available – a total of 220 areas altogether – and can be targeted to country, state, province, and city-level.

The app gathers its data from a variety of sources, including Johns Hopkins University, the New York Times, and Wikipedia.

These in turn get their information from from public health organizations including the World Health Organization, government health ministries, and local health agencies and hospitals.

The update will be rolling out worldwide on both iPhones and iPads, as well as Android devices.

Google has made a number of other updates to its Maps app because of the coronavirus.

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