Slack down: App not working properly again as messages fail to appear or show out of order

Oct 16, 2020

Slack appears to have stopped working properly again, with users seeing messages appear out of order – or not at all.

The workplace chat app has been hit by a run of problems in recent weeks, often relating to users being able to read their messages as usual.

Slack’s status page confirmed that it was aware of the issues and was working to find a fix.

“Some users are struggling to connect to Slack, or facing trouble with the app operating slowly,” the company wrote. “We are currently investigating, and apologise for the inconvenience caused.”

Updates that followed suggested that the company was struggling to find the cause of the issues. Some 90 minutes after they had begun, it posted an update suggesting that it had not yet identified the problem let alone any possible fix.

“We’re still investigating the cause of the performance issues that users may be facing,” it wrote.

The problems come as many workplaces have moved to relying on apps like Slack and Zoom to keep their employees in contact through lockdowns and other measures.

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